We’ve added an exciting new class to our
Spring 2019 semester
February 3 – May 30, 2019
11:30 – 1:00
Rabbi Menachem Cohen
Spirituality and Spiritual Direction: A Jewish Perspective
This class will give an introduction to Spiritual Direction, alternatively known as Spiritual Guidance or Accompaniment, and introduce students to Jewish contributions and approaches to the field. Anyone who wishes to offer such spiritual guidance must also be doing their own spiritual work, so this class will introduce students to and encourage them to engage in spiritual practices from our tradition. The class will include Jewish liturgy, text (incl. Torah, Talmud, Mussar, Hasidut), and how our calendar is a spiritual guide. Some texts will be read in Hebrew and students taking the class for credit will be asked to do some translation. Multiple modes of learning will be used, for many styles of learners (lecture, story-telling, student presentations, case studies, role plays, and mostly discussion).
Menachem Cohen received smicha from Hebrew Seminary in 2003. He is the Founder of the Mitziut Jewish Community, and since 2006 has worked at The Night Ministry on the streets of Chicago with LGBTQ and/or homeless youth. He is currently finishing his certificate in Spiritual Direction at Loyola University, where he is currently doing his internship running personal growth/spiritual direction groups using role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons, with the youth in The Night Ministry programs. He is also a game designer, and partner at AlleyCat Comics. Most important, he is a dad.
4435 W. Oakton, Skokie, IL 60076
e-mail: info@hebrewseminary.org • hebrewseminary.org