Spring Into Study: Spirituality and Spiritual Direction
We’ve added an exciting new class to our Spring 2019 semesterFebruary 3 – May 30, 2019 Tuesdays 11:30 – 1:00
We’ve added an exciting new class to our Spring 2019 semesterFebruary 3 – May 30, 2019 Tuesdays 11:30 – 1:00
Hebrew Seminary’s Spring Semester begins February 3 and continues through May 30, 2019. Below is our schedule of class offerings.
Hebrew Seminary’s Spring Semester begins February 3 and continues through May 30, 2019. Below is our schedule of class offerings.
by Student Rabbi Roberta Glick There are 2 themes: gratitude and tsheuvah that I want to talk about today with
by Student Rabbi Roberta Glick There are 2 themes: gratitude and tsheuvah that I want to talk about today with
My Grandson recently said this about his twin Aunts: “Whenever I see a tree it always feels deep inside me
My Grandson recently said this about his twin Aunts: “Whenever I see a tree it always feels deep inside me
By Student Rabbi Stacey Robinson Sing praise and shout hallelujah as bullets sing their siren song and death is
By Student Rabbi Stacey Robinson Sing praise and shout hallelujah as bullets sing their siren song and death is