Tuition Costs: Rabbinical & Parabinnical
The cost of tuition for students in Hebrew Seminary’s Rabbinical School and Pararabbinic Program depends both on the number of courses students take in an individual semester and the timing of payment of tuition.
Default Schedule of Tuition Repayment
To secure class enrollment, Hebrew Seminary expects a minimum payment of 20% of the semester’s tuition one week prior to the first day of the coming semester. Rabbinical and Pararabbinic students with an outstanding balance of $200 or more after making the first payment for the semester are billed for monthly payments of $200 until the balance has been paid. When the outstanding balance of a student’s tuition costs amount to less than $200, students are billed the outstanding amount.
Interest Rates in Tuition Repayment
Students who remain enrolled in courses each academic year in one of our programs are not charged interest on any outstanding balance. An annual interest rate of 3% of a student’s outstanding balance goes into effect after a student has been ordained, graduated, or withdrawn from their program at Hebrew Seminary.
Tuition Costs: Auditing Students

Learn With Us
All classes are currently held virtually and are open to Rabbinic and Pararabbinic students, as well as auditing students from around the world.