Seminary Class Open to the Hebrew Reading Public

An 8-week class, beginning June 25th – August 13, 2019

Tuesdays 1:15 – 2:45                                
Midrash Tanhuma & Homiletics 
Rabbi Michael Davis

From the earliest times of the synagogue, rabbis have interpreted the Torah to their congregations. In ancient times, this tradition was called Midrash. Later, the techniques of storytelling, intertextual reading, commentary and down-to-earth inspiration became known as homiletics. Whether you are a rabbinic student or a leader in a havurah, these are necessary skills that you can bring to your community. Hebrew Seminary is offering a special, introductory rate this summer. If you are curious about rabbinic school, this is a good course to check it out.

Special auditing tuition rate $200

Rabbi Michael DavisProfessor of Midrash

Cantor Davis received a traditional yeshiva education and is a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in musicology. He trained as a cantor in Israel, where he also served as a chaplain in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Cantor Davis received his investiture (cantorial ordination) in the United States, from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s School of Sacred Music. Cantor Davis is a member of the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) where he has served on the Certification Committee for ordaining cantors at the School of Sacred Music-Hebrew Union College. Cantor Michael Davis joined Lakeside Congregation as its first cantor in 2003.  In 2015 he was ordained as a rabbi at Hebrew Seminary.  Rabbi Cantor Michael Davis currently serves as rabbi at Makom Shalom in Chicago.  He has served on the faculty of the Hebrew Seminary training future rabbis in classic Hebrew and Aramaic text since 2009.